Throw When Needed

These works explore the contradiction inherent in the metaphor of a wrench and the relationship between individuals and systems. A wrench, as a tool, implies an individual holding one end and a machine at the other. The individual can use the wrench either to fix the machine or to 'throw a wrench in it' as a form of radical disruption. This political metaphor, similar to the etymology of the word sabotage, originates from the labor movement. It is said that French workers threw their shoes, or sabots, into the factory machinery to disrupt production, thus committing sabotage.

The machine collaboration studies extend this concept and are prototypes for a larger installation. They are from about 20 compositions I created by literally throwing wrenches into a vacuum former. This collaboration between the machine and the artist seeks to complicate the metaphor of sabotage. The work contemplates, perhaps in vain, the possibility of collaborating with systems to discover economic alternatives to capitalism.


Glazed ceramic, wood, aluminum
12.5" × 5" × 5"

Machine collaboration 01

Vacuum form mold in artist made wood frame
19” x 17” x 2.5”

Machine collaboration 02

Vacuum form mold
20” x 18” x 1”

Wrench studies

Glazed and unglazed ceramic
Varied sizes

Photography credit: Matthew Bailey